Live-in care, exclusively

We, at Care Elite, focus exclusively on live-in care services.

Why choose Care Elite

As a care provider, we are committed to ensure that our clients remain independent in the comfort of their own homes. Our team of vetted, professional and trained carers provide person-centred care in a professional manner that will meet you or your loved one’s care needs.

Our company ethos is to provide a compassionate, safe and high-quality service for our clients. We are committed to ensuring that our clients experience the best possible quality of life in their own homes.

We have expertise in selecting the right carers for live-in care. Our staff are trained, guided and supported by our qualified and knowledgeable management team.


“Our mission is to focus on the provision of live-in care and provide the highest standard of professional and compassionate care to our clients using the latest digital technology and systems.”

Our management team ensures consistency with your care schedule, which is necessary in providing the best service. We recruit, train and retain staff to meet our client’s needs. Our recruitment strategy ensures that the service we provide is safe and remains well-led.

Our aim is to be in your A-List of healthcare providers.

Benefits of our live-in care services

Our Live-in care service is personalised and adaptable to accommodate the evolving needs of our clients. We believe that people thrive when at home. We actively track our clients’ progress to support their independence, enabling us to collaborate on their care, adjust plans accordingly, and continually enhance our carers’ skills and knowledge.

We support clients’ independence while they benefit from the familiarity and safety of home and their familiar routine.

Our customised care flexibly tailors to clients’ changing needs. We closely monitor their development, adapt care plans, and provide our carers with extensive support and training.

Homecare technology assists in providing greater transparency and access to information for clients and families through secure viewing of records and comments.

Care Elite management is available 24/7, 365 days per year to ensure clients receive excellent care while supporting staff to go above and beyond.

Care Elite Pathway for Client Engagement



We conduct a comprehensive assessment of individual needs, led by the client in collaboration with the family and our management team. This assessment identifies all care requirements, staffing preferences and necessary training.



Ensuring transparency regarding our services and costs is a priority for us. We value your informed decision-making process. We will provide you with a detailed quote and contract for you to review and sign.



The process of matching a suitable carer to meet your specific needs already began when we first met. Our focus at this stage, is selecting staff member(s) that will be most suitable and we will ensure that they are fully aware of your expectations and are necessarily trained for the role.



Our priority is to ensure your comfort and compatibility with the carer. We will be present during the initial meeting to address any questions. Once you both feel comfortable and satisfied, we will continue to provide ongoing support by conducting regular contact.